Queen Of The Elysian Island Poem by Steve Trimmer

Queen Of The Elysian Island

I cast away my mortal flesh
For Circe greets me in Her willow grove at Colchis
Witch Goddess Circe, whom I love
Thy charnel house amid willow roots
For I am Dryas
From omphalos epochs of standing stones
Eurydice, Serpent Lady, hath smote
I seek my mother Semele
Here in Tartarus
The tripartite of Snake Muses
Point the way
Crooked fingers aimed west to Elysium
Bane kiss they hath bestowed upon me
I bid them vale

Agriope stops me, so quoth She:

'Heed these words dear one'

So quoth Circe-Hecate:

'Seek the orchards of Sorb-Apple Isle'

Thus quoth Eurydice:

'My Orpheus, to thyself be true
This venom kiss I give
I Snake Goddess, so undo
Mortal limits whence thee live

From my cauldron, take a dram
Immortal ye shalt be
For in Tartarus of the damned
The truth doth set thee free

This alder pipe, do play in song
`Til The Nereids come to thee
They shall lead thy ship along
Into Queen Persephone`s Sea'

I drink Her libation
A dram of philtre.......eyes now clear
West I go, face to Zephyr Wind
Melic tunes I play on alder pipe
As so

The Nereids lead my ship out to sea
Maelstrom betakes my vessel
I now lay in flotslam upon the Elysium Islands
I convalesce

Vexation soon leads to mirth
For The Muses of The Bane Moon hath brought me thither
I render a high pitch melody from my alder pipe, then

Quoth I;

'From mortal realms, so I sojourn
Kiss of Death, elixar burns
I seek The Queen of Elysian Isle
The River Goddess, bright and mild
Some say the name of thee art Halys
Others nuncipate ye Elis
In other lands, Alys, thy name be
Heretofore, Queen on the sea
On bended knee, I pledge this heart
To tarry here, so ne`er to part'

With a retinue of Hamadryads and Lady Semele
She emerges from the wild
My hand She takes in Hers
Leading me to The Orchard of The Wild Sorb Apples

Quoth She:

Thy words art naught malapropos
Thou art the lyrist, reborn again
Unto this realm
I welcome thee, poet, erudite in The Mysteries
Trepidation and caitiff know thee not
I see thy pure heart of philogyny
Eurydice hath loved thee so
That She sent thee hither
Stay now and fore`er, my libertine dreamer
To regale us in beauty, love and song
For I am Elis, River Goddess of Elysian Realm'

Black Magick so pure
Dowser of Willow, enchantment
Ancestress............in triad
Hath bringeth me to comely wisdom................

These words; To my Queen of The Elysian Islands

Steve Trimmer

Steve Trimmer

Manitoulin Island, Ontario
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