Quotation Of What Real Love Have Repay You With Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Quotation Of What Real Love Have Repay You With

You never seem to see the beauty what was right in-front of your eyes
You never seem to see the happiness there was place
You never seem to open you eyes your heart to open up the door to the real meaningful of loved your my happiness and the last person that I wish to be with till I grow old
You never seem to secure my heart that wounded
Never seem to fight for me
Saying the words that you loved me but where is the proved?
That you loved me? when you never seem to secure my heart

Never seem to care how painful it was
If you ever seen me pass in the street in a pouring rain
Don't let me in caused I know you never want me to be beside you
you make me walk off just like that

Its easy for you to throw me I don't have any meaning to you
Caused the true men never want to say the true if they have someone
they played for his need It is easy for you to lie

Its easy for you to forget me
Its never easy for me to recover
How pure love repay me in pity pain of sore
It really not so pleasant to love again caused
I start to locked my heart, I give the pure away to you
But you made me walk off like you did many time before
This time its not my lost

I just don't get it why I end up getting closer having a best friend a guys, Can't seem to fall in loved with anyone of them
What make them love me I have no clue? Is it the soft side of heart? Is it the peace of understanding the inner person? Is it because of the transparent heart, relationship healing of someone heart?
It hurts so bad when the men you truly love make you walk out
Your the one who risk a lot just to protect his inner feelings even its hurts you inside to be bleed

It weird how the men you love can't seem to see the real pure heart of someone who give the real pure meaning of the heart, You walk out caused, caused he never want to be together
Caused he don't really want to be with you
Caused he have time with friend and want to lost you for good
Like a heart attack that shock you with silent speechless

It self pity how your own men don't see the true caused the eyes is blind to see every meaning of pure love at heart of a women
You just walk out of his way caused he never want you there
It weird how other guys crush on you
But you can never give you love away like you did
To the one men you loved for the last and knowing that he never seem to think of you or missed you the way you did
But that is gone like he wish to let you walk out completely
without any meaning to his heart, he want you to walk off
Your heart completely broke in million pieces

You never seem to open your heart the way you give your pure love away to the only one men that bring the best of you the happiness which linger mark in your heart, still praying to changed his mind to take you as you are

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