Rajah's Prelude Poem by Riano Harp

Rajah's Prelude

I am the last of my kind,
The first of a new species.
Somewhere along the way,
Past hardened fruits ladened
With the exterior of modern hysteria
And memories capsized by the Sun,
I neglected myself to a virtue
Set before the remnants of flesh.

This stiff bulb in my throat
Shines through fingerprints
-It must have been the ferryman-
That I can only see as avenues
Lined with electric robes melting timelessly under my feet;
Everything is too old to care,
Too young to try the beauty of death —
It has all been said before.

There's always a beggar to tie chandeliers
Under platforms chipped with disco lights,
Always something to be sniggered
Or petted as canals diverge into one.
Hopelessly, I would rebuild the dam's wood
By sharpening nothing but my fingertips —
I set alight, with perfected honesty,
The very person I would come to be.

These decisions are never concealed
Infact, — Suns happily drain Lemon trees,
The Gypsy only knows himself when he is lost,
The Genii is only known when he is knocked dumb,
Founded upon a carousel of grain and smoke —
Vividly, totally alone, I would sit in classrooms
And create the tragedy of my own delight.

The universe sits open at my desk —
Clowns slowly rip nails from tree stumps
As I convince the viewers watching me
Through the purple horseshoe lodged in my wrist,
Assuring me the script need not be said,
That history will forgive my idleness,
That they will understand my loneliness.

What has lead me to see all this way?
Why is there always one confused by love,
Dragging down his own reaching impression
Which dictates through the medium of expression
The reason why he discovers himself asking;
The infinite layers are all the same
But what composes indifference in the mind which beholds this?
To me, this has only ever been the universe itself
But to you, I haven't left my desk.

The root of ineptness is predicting the climax,
I must forge a figure from my own despair
Whom will be entirely reliant on beauty,
The Grand Orphan inverting himself blind
Only ever focuses on the atoms which compose his mind,
Never does he wilfully address the reason
For his own autonomous regression disguised as progression.

Did I create my future after death
Or during the compressions of life?
We shy away from the pulse of will,
Avoiding being aware of perfection,
And for what? — To enslave the mystery?
For me, all common man speak a language only I understand,
Every soul desires to play the harmony from which it's composed.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: autumn,death,last supper,love and art,universe
Last poem I post, I never post my good ones, until I release my collection which will also be a guide to go beyond the senses, access the fourth dimension, manifest anything etc. etc. -i've been working on this opus since I was 15 and this poem details the problems, the things essentially holding me back but through awareness of them I 'cut them off', beginning the process of a higher state of awareness which allows me to express what I desire to do so, it's a microcosmic process of synthesis as well as original exploration dependant on the elements within the environment from which it was contrived.
I have recently wrote some poems such as 'The Saviour's Narcissism', 'My Love, She Dreams', 'Aria of Autumn (The Alchemist at 17) ', 'Divine Solitude', 'Medias Ras', 'Four-Fold Destiny', 'The Death of Chronos' etc etc. which I've also turned into songs and will release soon, but if you'd like to read them now please message me, I only ask this because I find it pointless to post anything on here because no one seems to read the stuff I post, so I figure it's meant to be, a sort of synchronicity, if someone personally messages me caring -if not, then it's obviously not meant to be! Peace and Love
Peace and Love
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