Relief In The Worst Way Poem by Alfred Ramos

Relief In The Worst Way

The angry wind swirling like a wicked curve
Challenging my unquestioned nerve
Throws endless stream of wires in my face
Needless retaliation puts me back in my place
The stings are like a tiny arrow
Sending signals straight to the marrow
Half wet, half dry
In the middle of a naked sky
Mud caked up my ankles with each gushy stride
Leaving snowshoe impressions that quickly hide
How did I reach this debauchery
Extracting energies from inactivity
Stringy wet ropes thrown without caution
Beating me up into exhaustion
Ready to swallow me up
Like a raging river filling my coffee cup
Rain mixed with sweat, runs down grimaced creases
Tongue searching the sweetness of a heaven gone to pieces
How long can I hold it in?
Thoughts of whirl pooling down the drain
A glimpse of conquest through a curtain of rain
The run off contouring a path
Creating minute rivers in its wrath
The elevation seems steeper from this angle
Except for the need, there would be no need to tangle
At last within arm’s reach, I fight the door
Then the odor
The reflex of easing the pain
My pants weighted down by the rain
Fall quickly like a guillotine to the floor
I let the wind shut the door
Which brings to mind thoughts of prevention?
To the next construction to this innovative invention
I have but one question to ask
For what must be one of nature’s most natural task
Why did we give in to our sense of smell
And build the damn outhouse half way to hell
The wind whistles its angry tune
I settle down with an old newspaper of some past afternoon

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Alfred Ramos

Alfred Ramos

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