Renaissance Poem by Chan Mongol


By: Chan Mongol

Last Renaissance was done between 14th to 16th centuries;

Another is urgently due in politics, arts, cultures in this age.

I thought, they would follow and spread bold messages;

I am still a one man army in efforts of decades of decades.

When at the point of death and at the eleventh hour;

I passed on messages but without any response or answer!

They never read me to be my type as friends and dudes;

Renaissance will occur to cleanse dirt from 5K to make good hoods.

I don't understand jokers and jokes, neither they read me?

They are not friends and are wastes and are unnecessary!

Five thousand so called friends but only numerically;

Neither, they read or listen English for the mass illiteracy.

From unknown five thousands, there are only six to eleven;

Those 6 to 11, appreciate the program and eagerly learn.

The conception is very plain, not at all in any complication;

Still,5K are reluctant without any proper attention.

What do they think of me, a senseless and useless fool?

Am I in a wrong neighborhood and in a closed school?

Time came to clean up all bad elements except six to eleven;

Let's stick with only talents which is wise and main!

And serious people are needed for corrections, reformations;

Jokers and those non productive elements will get illuminations.

I wouldn't give up my mission to continue penning up messages;

By putting aromas with rhythms and rhymes in poetic voices!

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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