Retaliation Poem by P K Joy


The raging fire with sky-licking flames
That threatens to engulf your entire race
Rose from my father’s blood that you’d shed
By whipping him hard in the village road.
You rod on his shoulders. To speed up the trek
You urged him on by whipping his back.
When he tumbled and fell down with you on his back,
With rage a hundred times you struck
And left him there with bleeding wounds,
His life blood soaking a large patch of sand.
That blood had turned into a smoldering ingot.
Your heinous cruelty it refused to forget.
It bided its time and has ferociously bust
Into leaping flames and launched the combat
To banish your cruel and oppressing lot
Who sowed the seeds of terrorism first.
Your progeny comprised dreadful demons
Whom you reared as savage anti-humans.
All of you are getting roasted in the fire,
Your bodies going up in stinking smoke pillar.
It’s horrendous to see many a charring body
And agonizing life parting company in hurry.
Your cries, life’s terminal cries, I hear
With nobody to help you anywhere near.
You deserve it, yet I don’t cherish your anguish.
I wish you to live, not in this way perish,
But live in the world as a sensitive man
Perceiving and alleviating other men’s pain.
Jumping into the fire I’ll rescue you from death
Bring you back to life and help you live on earth.
Once back on feet, do learn to be sensitive
Don’t lead your life as a terrorizing primitive.
Other men’s bodies and lives are precious
As much as yours. Of this be always conscious.
Stay yourself away from the wrath of the poor
Their curse will chase you, catch you and devour.
For your own gains never cause others’ pain
To contain sympathy, your heart you must train.

P K Joy

P K Joy

Mavelikara in Kerala State of India
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