Returning Home With Our Son's Ashes Poem by Glen Kappy

Returning Home With Our Son's Ashes

Rating: 5.0

Two hours out from home
and as shadows lengthen

from out of the window
of our speeding car

in the distant open desert
dotted with juniper and pinon shrub

a colt free of reins and saddle
galloping towards the sun.

Friday, May 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: horse,mourning,vision,death,desert
Bipasha D 31 May 2019

It must have been a difficult journey. May you have the strength to endure the pain...the last stanza is so powerful, so positive. Extraordinary. This one goes into my poemlist.

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Glen Kappy 01 June 2019

Yes, hard, and we’re still struggling with his absence and unpleasant things in the aftermath. But I am convinced our spirits live on, that what we call death is, as I read from another author recently, a change of address. Thank you, Bipasha, for your sensitive and positive comment. I appreciate it. -Glen

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Luz Hanaii 18 May 2019

I'm amazed at your positivity and creativity, loved these lines: " a colt free of reins and saddle galloping towards the sun. "

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Glen Kappy 19 May 2019

Hi, Luz, and thank you. Seeing this lifted me. And as you may have inferred, I’m convinced our spirits live on and that a most loving God who created them waits. -Glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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