Rivers Of Shame Poem by Isabel Lavender

Rivers Of Shame

Finally liberated from heavy chains of restrictions
don’t get ill, be careful girl so many contradictions
Upper-Priests and Catholic choir calling from sun
loving mums advising, kissing frogs not such fun
too fat or too thin secret pleasure in the Lustland
scrubbing hot skin after enjoyment with Mr. Man

The rivers of Tigris and Euphrates all dark water
sorry for not always being the perfect daughter
Prophets from the sky whispering; no sinners
snakes from a bursting garden shouting; winners
I stop feeling sensually guilty confess to Medea
painting little devils with Romeos, dads no idea

Looking back through times been such a little fool
feeling guilt and body issues is; however so cruel
impossible to climb alone just like the Babel tower
finally grown up and mature to feel divine power
sensuality and lusting feelings forgive me Holy One
just let me give myself to a warm and loving son

Now the time is here for all pleasure to explode
come on handsome after Crescendo it snowed
dear sisters follow me in a holy love liberation
lets all be free to enjoy in our new Body Nation
no more shame all dancing naked in moonlight
I for one know I am flying to Mars with my knight

Isabel Lavender

Isabel Lavender

Aalborg (Denmark)
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