Runaway Emotion Poem by Kevin Carney

Runaway Emotion

I felt a breath of fresh air…
So relived I am to see it all in a different light.
I’ve felt the rut I have been in…
Trying so hard to pull myself out…
I loved all so unconditionally…
The only thing I wanted was to be loved equally.
I walked through the valley of sadness and false hope.
Hanging on every day through the darkness and shadows…
Hoping that my love would be returned.
Or at least you would show me that you cared.
Maybe just a flicker of light…
To see the glimmer of hope.
Yet I don’t really see it being played in the end.
I played the part of the fool…
So perfect I was in every way.
A lost soul clinging to a life that wasn’t my own…
Reason and common sense…
Impaired and clouded by my runaway emotion.
Wanting so much to grab on to that ghost of a chance…
And take that chance of one last dance.
Winners and losers, a roll of the dice.
I am not sure what it will be…
Pulling myself in and out from day to day.
Only to feel the burning desire.
Love, a desire impaired by fog and mist…
Eating away at me each day to day…
Pulling me to a point of despair…
Never thinking I could let go…
I thought about this from day to day…
Knowing that I couldn’t stop myself…
What an addiction….
What a contradiction of what I should be…
Maybe once in for all…
I should swallow my pride….
To realize I was wrong and summon the courage.
That somehow I lost and crossed that line.
Only to see the only choice I have
I should try to start all over again…

Kevin Carney

Kevin Carney

New York
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