Saraphina Poem by Tosin Abegunde


O` fragile uncosmeticated saraphina
Whose tiny look attentions command:
Great and small,
Grateful, great-fool and ingrate
Die-cing for this exquisite minute being
Who must be tended with utmost care.
As both old and young bend
In obeisance to the call of a razor,
So, her wine of charms intoxicate
Even a pop-e for an affair.
What a holy sacrilege!
Who can define this Holy Grail of attraction
For in physique, she's not meaty, and
In length: fairly an inch;
What then is special about Saraphina?

Dark like a wet pawpaw seed
As in half of a yellow Cherry
With head filled with mind blowing ideas.
Fixed therein are two vision propellers
Linked to those pink lips so succulent for
Uttering wisdom sets in motion.
The cylindrical neck you posses
I so much adore
A passage for that sonorous voice.

One thing I've always desired
That I could not lose your sight, a second
But fate, cheats on my faith;
Fumes fiercy follies forcibly
With fake evidence appearing real
What a better clue of fear on our terms:
Each one obeying the call of morality
In a world where reality overwrites ethics
So sorry a saga!

Beneath your navel a road exists
Where my giants could have been raised
Hanging to your unbilical cords
For thrice a tripple season
To later scream for an open lactation show
From your twin tower to trade tears off.
It's sad, destiny runs faster than our will.

In the darkness of my thought
She softly speak to me:
'Something in me whispers...
We also can do it,
We believe in possibilities'
But the man in me screams:
' To whom brain is given
Sense is expected.'

Waking up from this world of fantasy,
The visible future alerts me that
We are both sceptre of righteousness.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Tosin Abegunde

Tosin Abegunde

Akure, Nigeria.
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