School Days..... Poem by mithilesh yadav

School Days.....

Ringing in my years are the jingles of those days.....
when in a half pant and with neck tie around i used to go to school...
some time burning sun in sky some time weather remained very cool..
That precious box with pencil, eraser, cutter and all that tools..

glittering in my eyes are the shining memories of those days.....
when in lunch packs mom packed her love ever fresh in those foils..
And getting back to home with white shirt painted in sand and soils..
Amazing several times why mosquito runs from those coils......

Ohhhh! So childish it was to love that girl sitting on first bench in girls row.......
And alwayas blaming teacher for giving me that last bench in boys row.......
Though every time we wish to be the topper of the class......
But mind was away in comics character while the body remained in class......

ohhhh! So childish it was to wait for the day the earth will burst and i will save.....
pulling that blanket over us to assume we are living in a cave....
though every time we wish to give dad surprise by topping the test..
but it was hard ever to put that flying nature of our legs to put to a rest.........

ohhhhh! So childish it is to think of that days so golden and fixed with diamond and ruby......
Wishing to get back those moments and get out of role of a brother, a father and a hubby.......
To once again become the naughty son of my father and lovely son of my mother.......
To once again become the naughty son of my father and lovely son of my mother.......

To once again become the lover of the girl who used to sit on the first bench of girls row......
To once again become the tallest boy of the class who sat in last bench of boys row.......'...'.'''

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: school song
Abhilasha Bhatt 27 January 2016

Beautiful days were school days......beautifully narrated....thank you for sharing :)

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Mithilesh Yadav 27 January 2016

Thanx mamji

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