Sea And The Sky Poem by Sharad Rajimwale

Sea And The Sky

The sky is far, far above the sea,
yet it eternally looms over the sea's bosom.

Who lends whom their unfathomable depths
and immensity of heights?

They can't touch one another
but their presence appears eager to embrace.

The tides heave and leap with the restive moan
of the long parted lover
swaying in anguished monologue.

The sky finds for its changing colours
a reflective mirror in the bosom of the sea- -
its blushes, its flashes, its interminable blue, its breezy, dusty sweeps, its dark vortex
all cast their spell on its rippling heart
and transmute its aspects.

And when the night comes with hushed breath
in the misty, muted glow of its blushing face,
endless rays reach their fingers to caress
the serene expanse in torpor
as though in unrequited promises of melting submission.
Numerous twinkling eyes far above bear witness
to this fragile, evanescent romance that disappears
when the day open its golden eyes.

The placid heart of the morning ocean,
bathed in tender radiance of a newly washed sky,
gently leans and sighs,
moist-eyed, gazes at the unreachable beauty of a being
that is nothing but a vast Void
and yet its life-long presence feels like love!

- - -Sharad Rajimwale, Jodhpur, India

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: nature love
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