She Blossomed My Soul Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

She Blossomed My Soul

It was dark around,
When she came
In silent tiptoe,
Crossing barriers,
Moving curtains,
To sanctum sanctorum,
Where I secluded myself
In deep meditation.

She came like lightning
And shocked my soul,
She came like fragrance
And soothed me within,
She came like fresh breeze
And fluttered my being;
I remained calm in the state.

More as of dream,
Like a gentle flame,
She caught me in arms;
Beaming sweet smile
That melted my soul,
She gently spread in me.

Awakened from inner calm,
Stirred by vibrations,
I opened eyes
To her glorious realm –
The gift of meditation,
What I sought all life,
Now in human form,
In glow of billion stars
Stood clinging to my whole,
Sending vibrations
That made me part of god.

No divisiveness persists there,
No dimensional restraints;
It’s infinite,
It is unity of all –
Of soul, mind and body,
Of need and fulfillment,
Of timeless ecstatic state.

I took my wonder to arms,
I took my charm to soul;
Rearing for unworldly unity,
I led her to wild passions;
It was two true wild fires,
Catching up with each other –
Feeding passions to other,
Breeding desires in other,
We raged wild in passion’s fire.

She, in my arms, I, in her,
We rolled on bed in mad desires;
Reaching for her in joyous pleasures,
I indulged on her silken curves,
Probed deep till satiated soul –
She enjoying the joy,
I derived from her.

Be it her face in fullmoon glow,
Or the jasmine-like fragrant lips there,
I couldn’t resist my lips from it;
I ravished in passions all of it
And turned it to pink –
Glowing in bright unquenched thirst.

I spared not her fragrant nape,
Or the silken texture of lovely neck;
But in mad haste to reach downward –
To move the veils
From her chest,
And descend to vale
Between bosoms,
And reach the bright temple towers
Standing in shape above Priya’s heart
And squeeze it in joy with palms,
And nibble tiny nipples
Standing there erect,
By my teeth rearing for that,
Oh, I moved downward –
I raised her state
To pure ecstatic height,
And that pure bliss
Blossomed my soul.

Imbrued in pure contentment,
She receded from me step by step,
Leaving back the light to my soul,
Transforming deep meditation I do
To truly focused on soul and god.

James Mclain 22 June 2013

This poem shows hard work, and quite a gift for verse...iip

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