She Left Me For One She Loves Better Poem by Francis Duggan

She Left Me For One She Loves Better

She left me for one she loves better on what was I ought not to dwell
I love her but true loves does go both ways and in her new life I do wish her well
I see her in the Townpark lately with her new love walking hand in hand
They did not see me to my relief you who have never been rejected in love could not understand
How it does feel to be jilted the downside of love is heartache
That's how it is one has to suppose when such strong feelings are at stake
'Tis said time is the greatest healer I do believe this to be true
Suppose life is built around karma the karma we receive is our due
The pain of loss that I feel it is healing I will feel much better in time
The pain of loveache seems to linger but to love it is never a crime
I'm not the only one who feels this way in love people lose every day
Love and life in many ways are similar you win and you lose as some do say
We do have our good and our bad times that's life one would have to suppose
The flower of my heart she has left me to become another man's rose.

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