Shocked Royals Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Shocked Royals

Shocked Royals

For long I, have been lost,
Took a lamp and searched on:
"What? Where from came Royal? "

Asked, questioned the crowd:
"Where and when came from? "

Kept adding to research,
Most answers meant darkness.

Difference in blood?
Or skin, minds' cloud?

In mirror of jungles
Saw lions, reflected.

Fox stood with jackal,
They sang in choir:
"Come Royals…"

Beaver jumped in water,
Flew high the eagle,
The hogs hid in deeper,
Freely walked deer:
"I want to be myself,
I remain same as born,
Free willed with honor,
Sure, try to survive,
But never pretend,
I never change colour,
As does the chameleon! "

More murder, more blood,
Made Lions more Royal,
They caught and cut dear,
Ate their shares, departed,
Came the time for vulture,
And the fox and jackal,
Even ants, cockroaches,
They told me, united:
"Here, you translate…"

Surprised, I questioned:
"Do you mean the Royal? "

Saw, varied were replies,
According to eyes' size,
And tellers, and the time.

In all, I recognised:
It can mean "Brutal, "
Or "Cruel, strong, "
And many other words,
Screened till I reached:
"A fool" and/or "Selfish! "

Funny are those around,
The servants, of all kind!

A queen, king, mullah,
A priest, pope, and monk,
Mean nothing except leech.

The Royals and vultures
Feed from our flesh,
From bones, skeletons!

Are taught to be ruthless,
Claim: "We, Superiors! "

Were they made different?
Are they not of penis?
Vagina and semen?

Do they not sleep, wake?
Do they not eat the same?
Do not have intestines?
Do bowl-movement like us?

Harry, I and Meghan:
"A Royal must be kind,
Humble and full of love,
Devoted, generous, human,
If so I, bow to and will respect."

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