Sky Is The Limit (2) Poem by Chan Mongol

Sky Is The Limit (2)


We also did millions more than the Pyramid!
We brought impossible than what Prophets did!
By using stones, irons and metallic powers!
We made electric, magnetic and digital towers! !

Old folks always did amazing Research!
They also started the double quick march!
In mummifying, to protect body and souls!
They were advanced in clothes, herbs and oils! !

Can we continue using old peoples fantastic theory?
And keep working on solid base to not to be sorry!
We have to pay attention for better living in future!
We must stop polluting the earth and the atmosphere! !

We have now better books, better rules!
With stone, electronic and digital tools!
Mummifying did not happen overnight!
We have to keep trying to do things right! !

Who knows how ancient old folks studied?
Why their talented studies were buried?
All those seven old wonders cannot die!
Technology cannot say them ‘goodbye'! !

In hurting the old, the present would be horrible!
Rise and shine for better living would be impossible!
We need the foundation to go up to the sky for all!
But question is how high we should go to be tall? ?

We should get longer lives and win the death!
Let's find materials from the past and underneath!
Let's not give up! We cannot be failing!
We have to keep the hope and keep sailing! !

We did millions more than the Pyramid!
We brought impossible than what Prophets did!
By using stones, irons and metallic powers!
We made electro, magnetic and digital towers! !

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: science
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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