Smile Poem by Vishnu Sampoorn


Just a little smile on your lips cheers the heart
The day goes well when with a smile it does start
It keeps you in good humour, preserves peace in your soul
It gives you the force to move towards your goal

It promotes health and beautifies your face
It's mightier than swords and powerful than a mace
It can change the tyrant into a man tame
It gives speech to the dumb and limbs to the lame

It induces kind thoughts, to do kindly deeds
It is one requirement that each human needs
It reduces tensions and relieves all pain
Whether I use it or others, all are to gain
It brings new hope in the lives of the weary
It gives new courage to tread lands scary
It increases when shared and cannot
be divided,
It can neither be bought, nor be provided
Neither the giver loses, nor the taker wins
It just gives a chance to rid off our sins

It bridges all gaps, it's a mile long,
It gives brilliance to colour, and melody to song,
It gives a shine to the faces that smile along
It's a sign of a mind pure that will
do no wrong

So smile as it makes all cheer around you
It makes others smile to relieve their pains too
With a smile on your face you can
cross all bars
It is the real wealth we can call truly ours.

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