Snow Is Falling, Gently Drifting Poem by Christine A Kysely

Snow Is Falling, Gently Drifting

Rating: 5.0

Snow is falling, gently drifting
Outside my window tonight
All is silently illuminated
By flickering outer lights.

I sit and watch it mesmerized
Like a Siren's unheard calling
Drifting, blowing here and there
With no soon apparent halting.

I press my nose up against the glass
To feel its cold surprise
I watch the flakes blow against my pane
Its warmth, their quick demise.

Suddenly out of nowhere
I see a snowflake brighter than the rest
Bigger and more beautiful
An unusual shape and breadth.

In the midst of all these snowflakes
This one caught my eye.
One small tiny snowkflake
Much different from the rest.

I saw it shining against the moon
That one small tiny snowflake
What was a second seemed quite awhile
Its beauty caused my heart unrest.

I see this gorgeous snowflake
I see its unique individuality
I see it caught up in this storm
Of its doomed reality.

*For my friend who knows who she is.....who is in the fight of her life with cancer right now.

(January 16,2011 Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

Christine A Kysely

Christine A Kysely

Merrill, Wisconsin USA
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