So Live Long As You Can Poem by Francis Duggan

So Live Long As You Can

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In life for us there always is a challenge and every day a mental hill to climb
And for some to even leave bed is an effort there is no holding back the hands of time
It won't matter to us when we are gone forever whether we be cremated or where our bones will lay
So live long as you can and do be happy and try to make the most of every day.

So live long as you can and do be happy if you feel happy your friends will multiply
A smile is something you don't have to pay for and laughter always spreads the gift of joy
The happiest person that I know is in a wheelchair and laughter to her comes quite easily,
She has so many friends and people love her and she is one you won't hear say 'poor me'.

For many people life is quite a battle they have to struggle uphill all the way
And in drought stricken and war ravaged Lands far distant poor people dying of hunger every day
And when I hear a well fed person grumble and about a very minor thing complain
I always say to myself 'what a whinger' such people never could cope with real pain.

In life for us there always is a challenge but some people of their worries can make light
And the World is better for them living in it and they always seem so cheery and so bright
So live long as you can and do be happy those words no doubt you've often heard before
And there may never be a life hereafter and death as we know is forever more.

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