Somewhere To Hide Poem by Somebody Insignificant

Somewhere To Hide

Time is now passing slowly by
The pain of withdrawal makes me cry
Nothing in my life ever felt that good
I’m not junkie scum, just misunderstood
If my life was better, I’d never have strayed
On the straight and narrow, I’d have stayed
Nothing to look forward to on any given day
I contemplated life, didn’t want to stay
No pleasure in living, just lots of pain
Picked up a needle, soon found a vein
Living my life in a drug induced haze
Helped me survive intolerable days
Without the drugs, there’s nowhere to hide
My only other option is to suicide

Sunday, July 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction,drugs,suicide
Just wrote this poem today 13/07/2015 as I battle to find a reason to go on living as I struggle to quit my 6 year addiction to injecting morphine.I wanted to die and attempted suicide 3 times but chickened out each time so I turned to drugs thinking I'd quickly reach my goal of death.6 years later I am still alive simply because drugs gave me a tiny bit of enjoyment each day and those few minutes of enjoyment each day has been the only thing in my life that I have looked forward to each day. I know it sounds pathetic but injecting morphine each day was the only thing in my life that I looked forward to each day and is what I think saved me from suicide.
Sekharan Pookkat 12 July 2015

Love life however bitter it may be. When ever you want to take drugs take a glass of cold icy water and swallow it suddenly Have a nice bath in cold water and have a cup of green tea It will refresh you and imagine the beautiful scenes in your surroundings and write poems

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