Song Of Lootenants. Poem by DEDAN ONYANGO

Song Of Lootenants.

Rating: 4.5


Left right!
Left right!

Theft write!
Theft write!

Quick march!
Quick munch!

Commander Lootenant: Today is a big day,
With our bullet proof bellies,
We shall make headlines on their tellies,
That we came and conquered graft!

Today is big Day,
They will not see it coming,
We shall start by attacking their medulla oblongata,
Yes, our enemies must not think until the war on graft is over
Even if it shall last forever!

We soldiers of graft perpetuation
Must restore back the lost dignity.

In Unison (We soldiers of graft perpetuation
Must penetrate and leave them in destitution!)
Commander Lootenant: DISMISSED!

Left right!
Left right!

Theft write!
Theft write!

Quick march!
Quick munch!

Commander Lootenant: Today is big day,
With our grenades, we will cleanse our looting paths,
With our machine guns, we will rain havoc in their banks,
With our tanks, we will bring down their National Treasury,
They will not see it coming,
We will match out like ants
We shall sing our looting song,
Long live the looter!
Long live the Lootenants!

Left right!
Left right!

Theft write!
Theft write!

Quick march!
Quick munch!

Commander Lootenant: Today is a big day,
We shall paralyze all the living institutions,
From schools to hospitals
From churches to parastatals,
From corridors of justice to corridors of service!
We shall shoot to loot
We shall loot to shoot,
We shall do everything under our jurisdiction!

In Unison (We shall eat money and sleep on it,
We shall dream money and walk on it!)

Commander Lootenant: ATTACK!

Left right!
Left right!

Theft write!
Theft write!

Quick march!
Quick munch!

Monday, January 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: corruption
Abdalla Juma Shenga 13 June 2017

these lootenants need to be stopped....they are obsticles to developement

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