Song Of Multitude Poem by Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein)

Song Of Multitude

in continent the void.

(void of poetics.
after darkest door.
the brightest stars with sunny doors.)

The use of useless spandrels:

''In continent the void.The zenith.Evening again.When not night it will be evening.death again of deathless day.on one hand embers.on the other ashes.Day without end won and lost.Unseen.Samuel Beckett, ||| seen ||| said....''

A short circuit occurs when there is a faulty, of course.from the standpoint of the networks's smooth functioning.Is notvthe short of the short -circuiting, of the best metaphors for a ceitical reading? Is not one of the most critical procedure to cross wires that do not usually touched: to take a major classic (text, author, notion) : read it in a short circuiting way, through the lens of a'' minor'' author, text, and conceptual apparatus.........

'from Slovoj Zizek's Incontinence of the void)

''music has always sent out lines of flight, like so many transformational multiplicities.''

(from Giles Deleuze and Guattari's'' A Thousand Pleateaus'')

''The problem of Empire is determined in the first place by one simple fact that there is world order.This order is expressed as juridical formation.''

(from Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's Emporor'')

(void of human narratives
after darkest doors.
brightest stars with sunny doors.)

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