Songs For The People Poem by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

Songs For The People

Rating: 2.5

Let me make the songs for the people,
Songs for the old and young;
Songs to stir like a battle-cry
Wherever they are sung.

Not for the clashing of sabres,
For carnage nor for strife;
But songs to thrill the hearts of men
With more abundant life.

Let me make the songs for the weary,
Amid life's fever and fret,
Till hearts shall relax their tension,
And careworn brows forget.

Let me sing for little children,
Before their footsteps stray,
Sweet anthems of love and duty,
To float o'er life's highway.

I would sing for the poor and aged,
When shadows dim their sight;
Of the bright and restful mansions,
Where there shall be no night.

Our world, so worn and weary,
Needs music, pure and strong,
To hush the jangle and discords
Of sorrow, pain, and wrong.

Music to soothe all its sorrow,
Till war and crime shall cease;
And the hearts of men grown tender
Girdle the world with peace.

D'Angelo 27 January 2021

it is good poem I think the people is gonna like it

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dbgd gfb e 14 December 2020

fve gv ryh b jack 6hyg5uijkb9h5v7j6089

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Ryany 04 November 2020

its a great poem and it gives readers a great perspective on the storys meaning.

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