Soul Transcendental Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Soul Transcendental

You’re not heard, invisible and distant
To my mortal life and its simple needs;
You unkindly rebuff when I build bridge,
You constantly endeavour to fly far, far;
Yet I know, I constantly dwell in you,
And brighten your life, light your soul.

You refuse life without vibrations I give,
You refuse moves without beckons I give;
My thoughts do keep you carefree on path,
Without me as goal-post, you run not course;
Yet, you do firm struggle to avoid me near,
And build unbroken walls to keep us apart.

You’re my soul transcendental, soul of soul,
Guardian angel, goddess, spiritual guard,
And protect my world from assaults of life;
I know, like North Star, constant you stand,
Protecting my world from harms that fall;
You know, from distance you protect me best.

I need noble concerns you have for me,
But, more, comforts and safety of you;
Tell me, quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I’m here to protect and give you comfort,
How dare you desert my protective net,
And stand alone far to protect my world?

While safe, in peace you lead your life,
I’m most safe and in blissful state;
Insecure state you suffer far from me
Fills me with fear and writhe my soul;
You’re best safety I ever can have
For contented, safe and blissful life.

I know your pain in keeping distance,
I feel flow of tears you constantly shed,
And it indeed serves my mortal need,
But shattered within my immortal soul,
And rendered me dead while alive outside;
Do you call it, my dear, protecting me?

While twain faces of same life, we’re,
How you protect me by hurting yourself?
True life we can have in coming together,
In the bond we have, in binding ourselves;
Parting, illusion, as solution to problems,
Come out, near, my dear, let’s rejoin.

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