
The soul in the form of energy in the body
In the mind of a person it gives meaning and identity
Of what it perceives as the reality
What makes you smile when you're glad
What makes you angry and makes you mad
It is the soul of the human that makes him superior in intelligence
The reason why he will continue to survive and evolve with diligence
Humans have something in common with animals
They protect and feed their young's just like any other mammals
The soul can remember it's creation and product
Through the right application and right conduct
Humans are different from animals in so many ways
Virtue, wisdom and many others are what a person displays
An animal can also feel.mate and defend with its wisdom
But humans are the highest predator in its kingdom
If the soul is indeed a higher form of power and energy
Then the soul could also be found in the study of zoology
The soul powers and fuels the mind or the brain
The way electricity or coal powers the locomotive and train
The human body is maintained by food and nutrition
For we will die and the soul will leave if its in damaged condition
The soul or energy is located inside the head
It will only leave the body once you're dead
The body also needs heat, air and water
It needs to experience pain, joy and laughter
The soul could create a world that it imagine and dream
Before death and darkness there's always a sign of gleam
The eyes can distort what we consider as real and true
The mind or soul might misinterpret what it sees on its view
We preserve the soul like an old pair of sunglasses
We just need a container to contain its masses
Afterlife is a dream come true
To see your departed love ones sit next to you
It is real for you can hear and see
You just no longer need your flesh for you are free
When you're sleeping and dreaming your eyes are shut
It's the same thing you'll see once your pulse is flat

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