Stars Don't Twinkle Poem by courtney metcalf

Stars Don't Twinkle

Rating: 5.0

Everything sucks when you grow up
because you gain knowledge..
It's funny they call it gaining..

when there's no gain about it.

When you're little,
all you see is art
You look up at the sky
and the stars are twinkling because they're just being beautiful, twinkling like stars do..
Until you grow up and realize
stars don't twinkle
And the night you realize stars don't twinkle
Is the night your nievitè dies.
Because stars don't twinkle.
They only appear that way because we're looking through 'thick turbulent (moving) layers of air, in the Earths atmosphere'

Says Google..

Fucking up our picture of the stars.
Fucking up our art.
Fucking up our lives.
Well, now I know why they made stories of the stars

Because when you have nothing left at 1am
and you're staring at the sky on the ground because your world is ending,
Not the rest of it, just the 'your's' part..
This is where you end up staring, while you're really deeply.. thinking..
And now I know stars don't twinkle,
Because our planet fucks up the view with its atmosphere, and constant moving of thick air
So I walked until I fell down into the ditch

Which is about as low as I was..

(My spirit.. not my height)

Then I looked up at the stars,
and shit got deep.

And then I fell into the deep,

Thereforth, falling into the shit.

Told myself I wouldn't go inside until I seen a star die.. (shooting star)
Like my childlike beliefs did..

Seen one, so back inside I go..

(An exert from how my night went)

-The end.

Monday, August 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,spirit,stars,suicide,thinking ,universe,world
Bharati Nayak 12 September 2016

Your imagery of 'twinkling stars' with the deceptive world is really marvelous.What a child believed in his innocence falls apart as he grows up and experience the contrary.Stars don't twinkle merrily, but the they appear so because their far distance and the constant moving of thick atmospheric air.Powerful expression.Your pen has so much promise to reach a star.

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