Still Love You Poem by Rohit Sharma

Still Love You

Rating: 4.3

Somewhere down the road
I am feeling this way,
You're not coming back to me
No matter how hard I pray.....

You were not like this
Feeling less towards me,
The love in your eyes
Baby, now I can not see.....

I thought you love me
the way I love you,
But you prove me all wrong
That's what I know, that's what is true.....

I heard first love remains
forever in our hearts,
Either I wasn't the one for you
Or this is all myth; All false....

Now what can I do
Apart from missing you,
You have moved far away
But I Still Love you! ! !

Unwritten Soul 30 July 2010

What happen to this one, i mean it is good piece but the emotion...sad not like always...just smile again :) because this melancholic poem very nice too! U can keep that love but never stop hoping for other love, u deserve better! ...Violin drops 1000 tears if the sad friction hit the notes, so just change the notes into beautiful melody, lift u someone who loves u not for someone don't appreciate u, u are so wonderful to be abandoned and hated! treasure urself Rohit...but i know u are better and your heart always stronger, i know because i'm ur friend lol :)

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Anita Trivedi 13 July 2010

Life is too short so try to enjoy Evey moment....... Remember Love never fails But sometimes we fail to choose right person....... Nothing else can be pure apart from love..... in this false world..... And You have soo much of love in your heart........ And its very pure......... Wel great poem......

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Dr Antony Theodore 03 July 2010

Either I wasn't the one for you Or this is all myth; All false.... it is never a myth. love is real.. but do not remain there where u dont feel loved. go on.. life is more than just a love affair.. when u become more and more mature u will realize love is not possession. it is not mere infatuation.. it is much more and love is divine. thank you for sharing

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Rinki Nandy 02 July 2010

still love you? love is blind isn't it? doesn't see if the person is worth loving, afterall love is blind! unrequited love is like an insect, a cockroach maybe.....

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma

Amritsar, India
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