Still Young In My Mind Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Still Young In My Mind

Rating: 5.0

Seasons come and go
Like the lost years
Of my childhood
I'm still young at heart

Sunday, January 29, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life
Kevin Patrick 01 February 2023

As long as one still carries the candle of childhood it should never disappear. This poem has a lot of meaning to me. Thank you!

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Richard Wlodarski 01 February 2023

'The candle of childhood' shall remain burning feverishly to the very end! Happy that it has a lot of meaning for you, Kevin. Always a pleasure to oblige!

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Susan Williams 29 January 2023

I so enjoyed the tone of this piece---5 stars for this dream of a poem

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Richard Wlodarski 30 January 2023

It's always a pleasure to give enjoyment to readers of my poetry. THX so very much, Susan.

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Susan Williams 29 January 2023

it is all we have left---memories and wisdom. sometimes I would rather be young again, leaping out of my bed, running down to the barn, bridling Black Polly, and riding through the day in the desert----sigh---oh, who am I kidding, I'd rather be young and dumb again! ! !

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Richard Wlodarski 30 January 2023

Remember the TV series Black Beauty. It was one of my favourites. Susan, I can't picture you as having been dumb as a child. In fact, I see you as maybe having been like Gerard Kerouac. Intelligent and highly spiritual!

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