Suffering Due To Underestimate Of Global Impact Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Suffering Due To Underestimate Of Global Impact

Suffering due to underestimate of global impact
That could have adversely affected whole economy
Along with painful loss of millions of human lives.
Most of powerful nations were much more confident
About their advanced medical facilities and technology.
Time available for precaution and management
No doubt, enough for them to prepare for battle.
If enemy with which we have to confront is invisible
And we are unknown to its genetic features
Then, it is not wise to underestimate potency of
Infectious deadly virus strain like Covid 19.
Now it has been discovered after tireless efforts
That aggressive virus can mutate 270 times
More than that of less potent type virus strain.
A sense of superiority and over confidence
Turned the basic cause of unrecoupable loss.
It is not easy to stop unpredictable disaster
But your awareness could have minimise loss.
The global adverse impact of Covid pandemic
Will be fearful and painful beyond our imagination.
Still we shouldn't to lose our courage and patience
Brotherhood, fraternity and sense of unity
Will definitely help us to combat invisible enemy.

Composed by Tulsi Shrestha
@copyright reserved

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: battle,death,humanity,virus
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