Summer Night Up North Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Summer Night Up North

Summer Night
Sven, my best friend, had a motor boat, we`re young
and invited two girls with us it was a summer night we
had a cold beer, Sven who looked like an actor got
the best-looking girl
I wore glasses had to do with Sven`s girlfriend`s friend.
We fished for crabs at the black mountain that
dropped straight into the fjord and had no shoreline
we caught some and went to
a small island lit a fire to cook them,
I remember the light of the night it was not dark
but azure yet without the moon
it must have been in June.
I sat dreaming it was the contrasting blue that absorbed me.
My friend who had dark wavy hair had gone into
the bushes with his girl and I sat beside a sad woman
who like me felt rejected
I held around her tried to kiss her, but she refused,
and that was ok; I was here for the summer night
smoked cigarettes that glowed like ephemeral cats hunting rats
when I inhaled a lungful of Turkish tobacco,
drank more beer and waited for dawn
that in Norway was and is what poetry is made of.
As for the girl she had fallen asleep.

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