Swamp Poem by Robert Sheridan


Often a city stupid person ask
“How is it coming sloppy dirty man, sloppy dirty woman? ’
“Well, never in my life! ”
We answer back;
“I will pass you a slap,
Go to bed, hard head! ”
“What you got, all people that don’t talk like us? ”
“Stray go away cats, rotten potato,
And cantaloupe,
Peanuts and food stuck at the bottom of the pot; little balls from the Chinabell Tree-good object to hit your friends with,
And goldenrods; big clumsy man
And coward; partner and a peeping Tom;
Runt and demised godfather? ”
“Compare to you, we make the misery” –
“We got a big hungry dog, grandma girlfriend, and
Angry old man; thingamajig go to sleep;
Yuk! Buy groceries and we got the I need to vomit;
Lazy skinny person and we have a bruise;
Stuck in bad situation and how is it coming? Golden Meadow;
Sly wasp and sneaky alligator;
Skunk that stinks and monkey on our back;
Burr on the beach that sticks to your socks and fiddler crab that get in our kitchen sink;
And get bit by a mosquito when you stick your thumb out to someone; ”
“That’s why we run the roads and never stay home, or paddle away in a small boat like a canoe;
So fast that we laugh or cry so hard we can’t catch our breath, and say goodbye to boring, never ending conversation! ”


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