Syncretic Serenade: When Ancestors And Angels Collide Poem by Doris Dzameshie

Syncretic Serenade: When Ancestors And Angels Collide

In the heart of the savannah, where baobabs whisper secrets, And termite mounds double as altars for cosmic negotiations, There, my friend, lies a divine mashup, a celestial remix— A fusion of ancestors' whispers and hymns from heavenly stations.

Verse 1: The Choir of Contradictions
The choir robes are patchwork, stitched from leopard hides, As the congregation sways to rhythms both ancient and divine. The pastor, a seasoned baobab, preaches with gnarled branches, His sermons a blend of proverbs and Psalms, a poetic moonshine.
Chorus: Hallelujah in Polyphony

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The spirits shimmy, Their anklets jingling, caught between realms. The ancestors nod, "Amen! " in ancestral tongues, And the wind carries their blessings like forgotten hymns.

Verse 2: Communion Under the Baobab
The communion wine is palm wine, aged in calabashes, As the faithful sip, they taste both eternity and termites. The deacons, old elephants, pass the breadfruit, Whispering, "Body of Christ, " with wrinkled eyes alight.

Chorus: Hallelujah in Harmonious Dissonance
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The baobabs sway, Their roots reaching deep, bridging worlds. The angels peek through cumulus curtains, Wondering if they missed the celestial memo.
Bridge: The Offering of Contradictions

The offering baskets overflow with paradoxes: Cowrie shells, golden coins, and sun-dried locusts. The heavenly accountants scratch their heads, Balancing blessings and curses, grace and ghostly debts.

Chorus: Hallelujah in Cosmic Code-Switching
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The stars twirl, Their constellations spelling out sacred jokes. The ancestors chuckle, "God must have a sense of humor, " And the angels adjust their halos, bemused by the strokes.

Outro: Sunset Benediction (with a Twist)
As the sun dips low, casting shadows on termite mounds, The African Christians raise their voices in unison: "May the ancestors bless us, and may Jesus save us, For we're all just stardust, dancing to a celestial fusion."

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