Ten Years Old (Slam Poetry) Poem by Philip St. Cyr

Ten Years Old (Slam Poetry)

What I wouldn't give to again be ten years old
about five foot three grabbin' rim on a ten foot goal
We used to roller-blade, running up and down like renegades
football in the streets, the ball flew over the gate
At school, you know we ruled
the best fights take place in cafeteria,
then sneaking up to the 4th floor, it was so mysterious
Recess was the best, and could get no better
that of course all depended on the weather… forecast
New York, in the spring, it's was beautiful thing
Here the ice cream truck comes, I would here it sing
Anybody got a dollar, you would here me holla
For 1.75 you could eat like a king!
Outside after school, playing with friends in the yard
was supposed to be in After-School, not dodging the security guard
Playing truth or dare with the girls, now that's a win-win
had my first real kiss, had my first girlfriend
she was French, but we didn't know what a french-kiss was
just having fun together simply and because…
we were young naive kids, who liked having fun all the time
unlike the older kids with other things on the mind
Back then rock music was the best and hip-hop was just getting hot,
but they both had to battle with meringue on our block
Madonna and Mike Jackson were on every radio station
it was 90's, NY was filled with crime... so New Jersey was a vacation
Everything was cool in those days: the clothes, the food, even candy
Sour Power was good stuff, but Now-and-Laters came in handy
We all had cassette players, back then that was the style
record players were getting outdated and hairstyles were faded
I remember it like it was yesterday I was 10 years old when we left N-Y
after we had said our goodbye's, were up in the sky…
headed down south.

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