The B Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

The B

The B

The "B" was jaguar, a tiger
-in blood her paws and
-her eyes red.

She claimed:
- "Majesty's land is vast

She rode on the back of the slaves
-hunted, forced, in shackle.

She, made faiths, divided
-set the codes for dress
-to export the textile
-benefit from sale.

Name of "B" caused horror
-many were in shiver;
-with sweat.

The "B" was too shameless
-saying in a letter
- "For you to discover."

No one dared to question:
- "What about the older residents? "
-since answer was plain, clear
- "They are not but savage! "

The "B" was great in
-transport in oceans;
-hundreds of vessels
-went around, polluted.

Read cries of "Joseph"
-in the "Heart of Darkness! "

"Moby Dick" another example
-but even far better "Gulliver, "
-in which all others are small elves
-and "B" is greatness…

Kipling writes of "B";
-dragon spitting its fire
-for the world,
-while drinking rivers!

Precious treasures of nations
-ended in "Chambre" of kings
-and Queens' Jewelleries…

"Shame" never found its way
-with the "B" …
-Great "B" was free and only.

Now, as is and has been
-with "Us", "Kids"
-of "Nature", "Mother Earth"
-like "Fountains"
-the "Climb" is over;
-time has come for "Descend."

Now, the "B" is "U. K."
-and lingers the question:
- "When will be ‘K', only? "
- "When will ‘K', also end? "

What goes up must come down
-and that is visible for a wise
-not the dumb in White House
-nor the ones in Riyadh, Jamaran!

We who have old, old roots
-in nature, politics,
-like Persians and Greeks
-have seen these and know it.

That is why we plea
-to riders, officers of today:
- "Let the hearts play role
-to share love with others,
- (as lovely siblings…)
- (as sister, brothers…)
- (as the caring neighbours.)

Thursday, December 13, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: historical
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