The Big Lie Poem by Teedy Dawn

The Big Lie

Look back on your day – just one single day……
How many things have you found yourself agreeing to -that you don’t agree with?
How many times have you professed to doing the right thing – but know in your heart you feel something completely different?
How may people have you smiled at, but really dislike?
How many complements have you offered - that you didn't mean?
How often have you feigned sincerity- when you couldn’t care less?
How many glorified TV adds have you watched – where you know the product is useless?
How many tasks have you promised to complete, knowing you have no intention of doing them?
How many times have you spoken – just to shut someone else up?
How often have you pretended to look interested?
How many protocols, guidelines, and policies have you really read or followed?
How many times have you blamed something or someone for you own misgivings?

It is something that we all know exists,
Yet do not acknowledge openly, because we are integral to its continuation
It is here, there and everywhere.
And we just accept and perpetuate it - like the Emperor's New Clothes.
The cheque's in the post,
Of course I love you,
I am not a racist,
The instructions are in the box,
I sent you the Email,
If it's not on display then it won't be in stock.

But I see it
I see you
I see.

Teedy Dawn

Teedy Dawn

Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
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