The Boy On The Wheelchair Poem by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

The Boy On The Wheelchair

Rating: 3.8

Your smiling face
Does not tell all the tale
And does not say how you really feel
On your chair, on the rolling wheel! !

You always come to my class
With a cheerful face
That could never let me guess
How you feel on your wheelchair
The fact that sets me on fire
Of sympathy in my heart
And curiosity in my mind
That looks too blind
To understand how happy you look
When you look in your book

Some people may not understand
Why you are so happy?
But I have known all about your goals
And how you work in the school

Your happy face
Can make me guess
How your dreams are high
Like eagle in the sky
Your smiling face
Can make me guess
How your wheelchair
Is but a throne of a King
A real king
Your wheelchair - in fact - is so dear
To my soul. Oh, Sir

When I see you on your way,
Wheeling to the school
I wonder and unable to guess
How you-daily-overcome this mess! !
With such flow of happiness

I always see you among your mates
With happy smiles
You defeat your fate
Though you could never set your feet
On the hard face of the street

I always see happy faces around your wheelchair
Racing to catch the turn to push your Up stairs
As if you are a King, or at least the leader of the choir

You laugh from your heart
And they laugh from their hearts
And I feel it in the heart of my heart
A piece of music, a piece of art
Where lad, do you come with all this shining face?
To disperse happiness
To the whole human race
In my class?

You-early-use to come to it
In the first row, you always sit
With full attention and with wit
And carefully listen to what is said
Ready to ask the right question
And keen to take some notes
And ready to share with your mates
Ideas and votes

So you were always the best
And still, the best of the rest
Your fine manners
Would never escape my sight
I see you always fight
Following your lessons day and night
With all your might
To attain what you deserve
As your human right
You really make me feel true sense of pride
Carried by your charming tide
Tide of happiness
From your wheelchair
You are the most inspiring soul
To me, my dear

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: sympathy
Mj Lemon 25 January 2017

Such a positive viewpoint. As someone who can speak from the perspective of a person who has had a temporary disability, positive people are much welcome. A great poem.

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Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek 25 January 2017

Thanks M.J Lemon. I am very happy with your comments.

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