The Call To Arms (2) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

The Call To Arms (2)

Power; is not from man himself
But from the Lord above
So let God’s children off the shelf
Allow them serve in love

I feel God’s strength from head to toe
So much, I fear to burst
I’ve such a burden now to go
To quench my brother’s thirst

If I can help but one or two
To find in Christ their crown
I know to this I’m born anew
Yet man would push me down

They say my God that I must wait
Until endued on high
But let me not procrastinate
While others out there die

They say my God I’ve too much pride
But this in Christ I doubt
It’s through His Spirit deep inside
I know I must go out

They say to go, would be in vain
I’ve nothing yet to give
I’m just to sit and feel the pain
For those who cannot live

I need to go I really must
I have so much to tell
Before they turn once more to dust
And find eternal hell

If these few words now speak to you
You too; the Lord can send
To spread the news of life anew
So rise and shine my friend…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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