The Cat Landing The Leap Poem by Britney Hogue

The Cat Landing The Leap

Loneliness kills me my love
It sickens me deep inside myself
Only the closest could see
How this was eating at my soul
Destroying my every aspect
I must admit I hid it well
But nothing gets past you
And you handsome green eyes

I saw you a while back
And the instant we met I saw
The hole in your soul as well
The inflictor was a different sort
But still the same I saw it
I knew I couldn’t just let it continue
A soul can only take so much
And I couldn’t watch yours die

We knew this step would be hard
Life would never be the same
But what is this type of life anyway
When you only have half a soul
When the rest of you is so far
And is in constant distress
Not saying this is without stress
But at least our soul is whole now

We jumped head first into life
And as I see we landed on our feet
Just like the cat always lands a leap
And as long as I’m with you
I will love you with everything I am
Because you are everything I am
Hand in hand we will face the world
As long as I’m with you, in the end

Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue

somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
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