The Cutest Face Of My Cafeteria Poem by Shuaib Saifi

The Cutest Face Of My Cafeteria

MY cafeteria where I used to visit daily
To gossip with friends, my food to take,
Cut jokes with them taking a glee;
And returned getting temper happy;
With a wish I could go there again back.

I got to see pretty-to-pretty face there,
Some had rosy cheeks:
Some had bright eyes like a star,
Some had a succulent lips by far;
I found there all these in my gone weeks.

No pretty face could ever impress so tight,
Whom to see repeatedly anxiety over me
Might dominate as to heed towards the light
It does over a moth; that keeps flying around it,
And being tired of flying dies there lastly.

One day I saw such a cute face there,
Just like the moon that was glittery;
In the dark nights of stiff summer
That shines far away somewhere
Among the uncountable stars in the sky.

Of a slim and lovely lass was that one,
Whose two blue eyes were as bright
As no star would have ever shone;
And extremely a crazy I had gone
To see them repeatedly at very first sight.

All the day long, after seeing that one,
She carried on my mind to cross-
As a magic on me her eyes had done,
And out of the chest my heart flown
And flown away leaving me in her to loss.

I came back from there to my floor,
However, could never forget her cute face;
As in cafeteria, I found no more,
With that my heart's accident might occur
So amorously and in mind, that take a place.

Now each day my eyes look for her,
With an exceedingly uneasiness-
If see, get an ineffable calm and pleasure;
If not, of the day, that's the great failure:
As, of my cafeteria, that's the cutest face.

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
It's about a lovely girl I used to see in my office Cafeteria, I failed to forget.
Shuaib Saifi

Shuaib Saifi

Hasanpur (Amroha) , U. P. India
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