The Day God Looked Away Poem by Kewayne Wadley

The Day God Looked Away

Reality stood still as my back watched her face
Afraid to watch her walk out of my life
I just stared ahead, listening to the lies that were once truth
Was I merely asleep while she awake
Did it honestly make a difference anymore
I grew stubborn to the love I felt
my religion the salvation passed from body to lips brink
Ignited by belief without you there wouldn't be another
My body reacted in the only manner it could
I refused to grant it that pleasure
To bring forth such satisfaction
In true honesty I cared
I cared more than perhaps any human being that should have
More or less like that voice that tells you not to do something but you do so anyway
Knowing the outcome but wishing it replayed different
I didn't want to watch the only part of me I knew walk out of my life
Was I the only one who had such a disease
Infected by the plague of your touch
Its warmth the weight of its pleasure
I felt ashamed knowing home wasn't home at all
I grew stubborn to the love I felt
My body reacted in the only manner it could

Monday, March 31, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: lost love
Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley

Groton, Connecticutt
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