The Day Of The Dogs Poem by Deanna Samuels

The Day Of The Dogs

Dogs have never had it so good!

Never has there been such a good time for man's best friend
Never has there been so much love bestowed upon them
Never have there been so many pooches seen on a lead
Never have there been so many owners doing their good deed

But wait, those canines just seen, saw them an hour before
Are owners taking them out for walks even more?
Is it an excuse to get out, not to be stuck in their retreats
Doggies love walks and to even get lots of extra treats
But is it treats for pooch or for the stay-at-home owners
An opportunity to be out - nodding to other dog homers
The walkways have become a forever widening obstacle course
Making huge berth to let owner and long leaded pet go forth
Shortly, two more duos come by, now onto the street must go I
A few more episodes of this same action happens by and by
Goodness knows, where were all those faithful rovers yesterday?
Definitely not on the street, maybe along the waterway
Sadly, park lanes have been closed so no trek to that edge
Nowhere where a pooch can stay and play and even have a veg
So, it is on to the neighborhood streets for man and dog
Extra circuits for each until Covid's epilogue

This pandemic time may not be the best for man
But boy oh boy! It has truly become a dog'se'lan

The Day of the Dog

Written at Courtice, Durham, Ontario - 24th April 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: dogs,walking
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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