The Day The Earth Died Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

The Day The Earth Died

The day the earth died
was the day the first flower bloomed
Our destructive tendencies can never
reach such natural beauty
and we make the whole world
suffer as a collective because
of this essential fact of understanding

The day the earth died
was the day we invented a shovel
We thought that we could throw our
mistakes into holes and cover them
back up with mounds of dirt
We didn't know that these mistakes
would come to sprout out of the ground
just to haunt us yet again

The day the earth died
was the day that we started throwing
our old people into homes where
they could sit in a chair to rot and wither away
These misfortunate subjects where thrown away
because they were deemed unuseful because they
were no longer able to take care of themselves
Who took care of you when you were
in the youthful part of this stage...they did

The day the earth died
was the day the first war was started
People learned by doing evil acts,
they could accumulate wealth and power
These misused acts come back for revenge
look what happened to all the empires
We will be served an end soon enough
in either economic or war form.

If no one can see that the earth is dying
then you are one blind person

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