The End Is The New Beginning............. Poem by Md Azharuddin Khan

The End Is The New Beginning.............

Don’t be sad my brother, Life ain’t fair, Don’t Err,
Leaves a mark to stare, even prayers helps rare,
They come, they go, don’t care, it’s lost in thin air,
Reason are many, don’t dare, it’s a meaningless affair,
Never meant to be, never will be, don’t flare.

A fresh beginning to the fresh end, amend; don’t descend.
This is not the end, learn from friend and don’t pretend,
Bring back the smile, what had you befriend, don’t apprehend,
Things happen for a reason, without our commend, Don't Lament,
Tighten the loose-ends; don’t condescend.

God laugh when he sees you cry for what you lost was never yours,
Don’t be mad for what you never had, times cures what was never yours,
What is best in your interest, you never know unless you let it go,
Life matures as and when we grow, don’t blow of what is left in your pro,
Lesson learnt at the cost of heart burn; don’t run unless you can overcome.

What seemed to be a lost, could have tossed, leaving you frost,
Never thought, of what could it cost, in times of distraught,
You did fought but at the end you got food for thought,
Don’t trust the one who say’s they cannot take the long shot,
Love knot ends in blood clot, give life a second thought.

By Md. Azharuddin Khan

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