The Fates (The Moirai) Poem by Richard Wlodarski

The Fates (The Moirai)

the blue of twilight
like a soft unspoken hope:
the singed moon waiting

lucid dreams now revealing
the mysteries of one's life

we are the Moirai:
singing souls of the journey's
eternal circle

we are the mystical three
spinning mother thread of life

no one may alter
the destinies we ordain -
not even the gods

Zeus our god and leader
Like man must submit to us

I, Clotho, sing all
things that are, spin the thread of
life that marks your days

I, Lachesis, ration life
I, Atropos, Shadow Death

hear us, mortals, sing
in terrible unison,
of your destiny

I, Lachesis, belt out past
I, Clotho intone present

now the end days draw
near: the gods amuse themselves
with death, fire and rain

the mortals' days are numbered
Planet Earth in turmoil

your children fed to
the guns of madmen - caissons
stand at the school door

ready for Armageddon
Jesus and Satan at war

Renga With Gordon Gilhuly and Richard Wlodarski

This is a co-operative renga written with Gordon Gilhuly. He wrote the 5-7-5 hokku and I wrote the 7-7 waki. He would send one hokku and I would build on that with a waki. Then his next hokku had to connect with waki etc. This was fun and we recommend that other PH users try it. I am indebted to him for having given me the honour of working with him.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: mythology,mystical
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