The First Rain Drop! Poem by Varanasi Ramabrahmam

The First Rain Drop!

Falling on me, the first rain drop
Made me blissful;
Come in soon, more and more rainy drops
Cause delight and joy to me
Oh! Rain make the weather
And my heart cool

The summer has been severe
Canals were without water
And tanks dried up because of summer heat
The summer-strokes taking place,
have been further harsher;
Pour my dear rain, the pleasant and cool showers
And make me also pleasant as the earth,
My dear friend!

Dear Rain! You are friend to me
You will save me from severe and harsh heat
In childhood, we played and danced
when it rained first and also when showers poured,
Got drenched ourselves
And bore the scolding of the elders
With unabated joy and continued
Getting showered by the pleasant rains

Though now we do not dance and jump in rain
Our hearts do the same
Your cool and pleasant touch
Makes us forget our beloved for a moment.

Come! Come! Dear! Pour pleasant loving showers
On our hearts
The touch of the first rain drop
And the loving conversation of the beloved are same
Cause delight and joy, the heart gets drenched by love
Your cool touch is like kissing by my beloved
You momentarily seem as my beloved

Falling on me, the first rain drop
Made me blissful;
Come in soon more and more rainy drops
Cause delight and joy to me;
Oh! Rain makes the weather
And my heart cool

Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Vegeswarapuram, India
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