The Greatest Gift Of All Poem by Janice M Pickett

The Greatest Gift Of All

Free will, can be an amazing gift
for the well informed and wise
On the other hand
It can be treacherous in the minds
of the ignorant

Those basic wonderful lessons
have been lost to many
for man has been blinded
by fake promises and fake religions

The greatest gift of all
is our own conscience
For this wonderful tool
will nudge us in the right way
and mess with our minds
when we do wrong

More and more people today
are beginning to see that there is more
than the old school teachings
More to life than they realised

We know now that what we believe
and think about the most
is what we will receive and be
as a person

This movement to truth is amazing
It is the greatest leap in faith yet
Knowing that God gave us everything
before we even came here

Now we are learning how to use the gift
How to say thank you instead of asking
for what we have already been given
We are understanding and growing

We are becoming great spiritually
Stronger mentally
and finding that life can indeed
be wonderful

This precious gift is free to all
We are waking up and accepting it
freeing ourselves from susperstitions
and becoming all we possibly can be

Author notes
Violet. My Inspiration is Life itself. How it keeps going no matter what.How amazing it can be when we know how to accpet it

Janice M Pickett

Janice M Pickett

Middlesex England
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