The Hidden Studio Poem by Rima Sharda

The Hidden Studio

The hidden studio
Went to see a movie with some friends
What drama what action 'o' what new trends
Came home thinking what a way to live
Exotic, exciting interesting was everything
I kept thinking about my life, no drama, no action no yelling fans
Disheartened I went to sleep but my subconscious had different plans
The moment I slept a movie played
So clear was the picture there was no haze
The main character of the movie was me
Walking proudly, head held high you see
I saw that I was no less than a superstar
Playing multiple roles mom, sister, wife, friend and all at power
I saw that people around loved and cared
They valued my friendship like I valued their's
There were happy songs and dances in-between the script
Some emotions, challenges and yes some tears dripped
My costumes mind blowing, sets outstanding
For he who writes our destiny deserves an ovation standing
As the truth dawned upon me, I woke up laughing
I understood my life my Being is choreographing
Yes each one is the main character of the drama called life
Our stories have romance, love and some strife
So how could I get carried away watching movie stars
For my life's equally exciting and full of blessing he showers
Each one has a hidden studio at work
You can make your own movie that's the perk

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