The Kiss Of God Poem by Alfred Ramos

The Kiss Of God

I’m all cried out
I lost the love of my life
At first the tears came like a torrential rain
No need to guess it came from the pain
But now they’re gone like a lost river
She was the taker, I was the giver
Didn’t know what she was after
That the path she chose lead to disaster
And things should have seemed odd
When she sought the kiss from God
Seeking the feeling of rapture
That no one can capture
And time after time
No matter how hard the climb
She chose to chase after that false high
Knowing she would never get a reply
I’m all cried out
In this whirlpool called life
Sobs have turned to sighs
Deep into the marrow the needle flies
Rushing like a runaway train
But it isn’t going to stop the pain
I’m all cried out
And the screams won’t come
Denials at the fore front, feelings nothing but numb
Life is but a snapshot of moments gone
If we could only freeze them as proof all that’s lost or won
She was but a close friend of misfortune
A prisoner to the lull before the devastation
I hear they don’t take reservations
I’m all cried out
Nothing left but needless conversation

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Alfred Ramos

Alfred Ramos

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