“the Lady Of The Lake-Death Of A Broken Mind” Poem by Frank Letras

“the Lady Of The Lake-Death Of A Broken Mind”

The mist reached out from the centre of the lake
As a lover, left behind my reach out, beseeching,
Ethereal, surreal and ghostly
I thought of her, left behind at the edge of reality
Calling me back, wailing screaming and screeching,
And me pulling away, well, mostly

The half-moon bathed the dark waters in silver light
As faint as strands of gossamer sheets waving in the breeze
Pale, wan, fragile and weak
The chill wind murmured and whispered about my ears
Then blew away to places yet unknown, blew away with ease
Leaving me wondering if it had tried to speak

Her image came then, long strands of hair straggled and discombobulated
Eyes, the fierce blue of crystalline sapphire embedded in a porcelain complexion
Lips, thin and grim as if they held a thousand sorrows
Her voice was faint as if the sound were afraid of fluttering away in another direction
she said: I want to take away all your tomorrows

And I just cried, my body involuntarily following the sound of that voice
Walked into the freezing cold waters, my mind confused and almost broken
Trying to comprehend, even to fight
But my traitorous body obeyed without question or hesitation, it continued
Wadding into the dark waters, knee deep, then waist deep, offering only token
Resistance it carried me away into perpetual night.

The lady of the lake was in her element, another soul captivated, another trophy
She stood briefly, bathed in silvery moon light, wrapped in a mantle of glory
Her satin slipered feet floating just above the floor
She ran her skeletal hand over the water, hiding the passing of my body
She slowly faded and became just part of another sad and lonely story
And I, with my broken mind and lifeless body, was seen no more…

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