The Light Was Out Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

The Light Was Out

The light was out and there alone
I lay upon my bed
I heard a noise perhaps a groan
And slowly turned my head

Above the sill a single star
Though shadows spread their wings
Between sounds of a passing car
I thought a thousand things

My hammer has the man next door
The hedge still needs a trim
What next should I be saving for?
Why is my room so dim?

Is death the end or just the start?
Do sinners burn in hell?
Feeling the beating of my heart
Is God alive and well?

If I’m that bad and Satan’s real
If Christ and Heaven’s true
Is there a place where souls appeal?
Or change their point of view

Again the shadows danced in flight
My curtains caught the breeze
The moon came forth spreading its light
And I was on my knees

For years I’d never thought of prayer
Religion was absurd
Amazing though whilst kneeling there
The miracle occurred

I felt a fool with such a thought
Who could hear and please us
And then I heard the warm retort

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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